
Nords are tall, fair-skinned folk with blue or steely gray eyes. Most have light-brown or blonde hair, but a few of the western clans boast red hair.

Nord Names: (Male) Bedric, Bore, Bren, Burgo, Clyden, Drusel, Emil, Erric, Farren, Ghondis, Gunther, Krutzer, Ludwin, Menon, Oederic, Oingal, Orn, Saorgomann, Stephön, Svirindane, Thorindale, Thoringal, Urthen, Welhiem, Wellim, Weromann, Würtoff; (female) Ara, Æona, Dulphia, Fran, Halga, Hune, Kara, Sefja; (surnames) Boro, Farnstall, Heimrem, Martron, Merrith; (noble surnames) Mön Caraven, Mön Hermus, Mön Martyn, Mön Martyre, Mön Mastion, Mön Menan, Mön Merrith

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