
She grew up in Dragonsdale, her dad a knight, and she always wanted to be one too. She idolized her dad, familiar with knights, and had great natural talent, better than Roe with swords since they first picked them up. When she was eight she took a dare that led her to meet the dragon protector of her town - Sundancer - a dragon so old that he entertained her with tales of the long past ages. Stories of Sothis and about the history of her own people and culture. Because of her early influences, Raven has always thought outside the box - bold in every aspect. She didn’t have much female influence growing up. And her friends - Roe (on the fringes), Sarai (an outsider for the most part) and Sundancer taught her to look at the world in a way that nobody in her town looks. She values bravery above “wisdom.” She is really good with a sword- even better than Roe. When she asked the knight to make her one, he told her - “Get Barid’s lance and I will” and unlike the others who might have been daunted, she was equipped and driven. Sundancer provided her with the location, and she, Roe and Sarai went into the Godswall mountains - to the Valley of Shadows, where she had to face the Shadow Mastif and go to a dungeon with big circular room with lances hung on the walls (by the Celestial Knights - did she meet one while she was there?). She had to pick the right one and she knew this because of the stories that Sundancer told her growing up. There was a large force of goblins there (where Sarai got her big white cat). She is someone who has seen and done fantastic things because she has been uniquely equipped to do so.


corvine bird with lustrous, black plumage and a loud harsh call, to seek plunder or prey, to eat or feed voraciously or greedily, to seixe as spoil or prey, rapine, robbery, devour, the act or practice of preying, obtain or seize by violence. “The common raven is easily tamed, but mischievous and theivish and has been popularly regarded as a bird of evil omen and mysterious character.” [Middle English ravin, raven, from Old French ravine, rapine, from Latin rapi-na, from rapere, to seize; see rep- in Indo-European roots.

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